Overcoming the pressure to perform: revealing the truth about business spending will fuel growth

Businesses financially hit by COVID

Ronnie Wilson, Group Executive Vice President, Serviceware, helps us navigate the stormy waters of the global crisis and what businesses need to do to limit their ‘casualties’.

Recent months have seen the world of business upended by the pandemic. With many organisations at the brink of collapse, firms have been forced to scale back their workforces, whilst making other cost-saving measures simply to stay afloat. And with the UK officially being in recession for the first time in 11 years, and Europe facing a deeper-than expected downturn, tough times and further uncertainty lay ahead. Exacerbating this are lower levels of staff, following furlough and redundancies, with a wave of job losses already being announced and more expected. The pressure is therefore on the c-suite to not only perform and build resilience to survive the ‘now’, but also to fuel future business growth – and for many, success will be entirely dependent on the decisions made over the coming weeks and months.

Whilst many businesses are starting to emerge through to the other side of the global crisis, ongoing turbulence – as a result of Brexit fallout – is set to send further shockwaves through the economy. According to recent analysis, businesses that have escaped the worst effects of the economic fallout from the pandemic are typically in sectors which are more likely to feel the impacts of EU withdrawal.

In order to overcome this, and navigate the murky waters ahead, businesses must be able to minimise costs, guarantee a stable cash flow and free up money for investment in future growth. After all, the future of the organisation and its employees’ livelihoods depend on it. But how can the c-suite truly manage business costs when, all too often, a lack of visibility and departmental silos stand in the way of understanding the cost base?

Working out what’s next

Donald Rumsfeld gave his famous explanation of US intelligence reports back in 2002, but his comments on ‘unknown unknowns’ have much to teach the c-suites of today. It is hard to remember a time when so much has been uncertain – what, precisely, will be the legacy of the Covid-19 pandemic? How will business operations change and when? How will markets change? And given all of this, how can we even start to quantify and plan for the impacts of that even bigger unknown – Brexit? It is an interesting time to be running an organisation, particularly for those in IT or finance – as these are the crucial elements of any enterprise when it comes to managing challenge and change.

But this recession is much more complex than those that preceded it: there are the unknowns of Covid-19 and Brexit (both of which extend beyond the UK), but also confounding factors such as the suggestion that the sectors less damaged by the pandemic may be at greater risk from Brexit. So, even though some organisations see green shoots of recovery already, 60% of business still expect their output to fall in the next three months.

Everyone is worried and looking to the c-suite for guidance, but particularly at times of extensive and complex change, there are no quick answers. Events are unclear, constantly unfolding and hard to predict, which means that responses and behaviours currently relied upon are likely to go out of date – and fast. Of course, firms must still minimise certain costs and guarantee cash flow. But innovation and flexibility are now mandatory, too. Just ask any firm that had to scrabble around for, and implement, a reliable and secure video conferencing arrangement as the UK went into lockdown.

What organisations must do to navigate the stormy waters of Brexit and COVID

The focus must now be on agility and flexible response, rather than saving money and waiting for the storm to pass. This may mean minimising costs in one area but investing it elsewhere, to position the organisation for future challenges and opportunities. Because, although times are tough, there will ultimately be plenty of opportunities in many sectors.

Any organisation that is committed to success in the new normal – whatever that may turn out to be – must uncover and face the truths of its current financial and operational situations, and adjust both spend and strategy in light of that knowledge. That means that:

Cutting costs and fostering transparency is more complicated than just picking and using one of the many software tools in the market. However, financial management tools for enterprise services are vital in enabling businesses and leaders to gather vital real-time operational, project and vendor cost data – in essence, to uncover the truth around IT costs and make smart financial decisions. These tools enable fact-based scenario planning and in turn help ensure that innovation and digital strategies take centre-stage in optimising services and refining processes – whilst adding value.

In addition, financial management tools are commonly provided as a cloud/hybrid SAAS offering, and ensure greater resilience to cyber-crime, as well as easier adherence to compliance/regulation. This in turn gives businesses the ability to flex and respond swiftly to whatever this ‘new normal’ will bring.

The value of data and analytics to business success is already well established: recent events and the resulting change have intensified that. Nobody should fall into the trap of thinking only customer data matters, and that it only matters to marketing and sales. In our current – extraordinary – times, it is hard to overstate the benefits of data acquisition and management across the enterprise, and the application of that insight to all business decisions.

Yes, investment of this type may seem counter-intuitive when everybody around seems to be shouting ‘Danger! Danger!’ and wondering where the next casualties will be. But that is the point. There will be casualties in the stormy seas ahead – but comprehensive, current and, above all, transparent data, along with decisions and operational pivots made in light of that understanding, can provide a life raft that limits those casualties and pave the way for business growth. Meanwhile, for those who prefer to stick to the old ways and hang on to their hats in the hope that this will all blow over – their means of survival may be harder to find.

Ronnie Wilson

Serviceware’s Group Executive Vice President, Ronnie Wilson, has over 30 years of international experience in the IT sector, including 11 years as CEO at a FTSE listed company, taking it through the 2008 financial crisis to a sale in 2009.

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